Elk Decoy Setup Guide

Elk decoying is an art that requires knowledge from a thorough study of elks and skills which are mostly acquired from field experience. A lot of men and women have found leisure and excitement in elk decoying. More often than not, despite the careful planning, meticulous strategies and costly equipment, the decoying and elk hunting tips still goes terribly wrong. Perhaps what you need is a simple to deploy elk decoy and a quick setup guide that will give you a clear shot at decoying a bull. This elk decoy setup guide is concise and effective in every way.


elk hunting tips
Image (c) Montana Decoy

There are some Pursuit Channel shows that have very similar tips on hunting whitetails and elks and you can subscribe to them at Dish Network, Direct TV and now over the internet via Roku.

Here’s how to do it with these elk hunting guide:

Situation Numero Uno: You know the precise area where the elks usually feed, but they only come to that place after the sun goes down and all the light fades.

Decoy setup: Situate two to four cow elk decoys on that same area before dark. They should be visible and positioned somewhere near the path wherein the elk would enter. Quick elk scent sprays in the air should do the trick. Find cover some 20 to 40 yards away and patiently await your bull. Remember that usually a bull will tend to come from downwind, so try as much to take advantage of this. Hunting elks is not usually easy but elk decoys make it more efficient.

Situation Numero Dos: The elk’s annual recurrent sexual period has started but they just wouldn’t settle within your bow’s range.


hunting guide
Image (c) Got Hunts

Decoy Setup: Ask your partner to entice a bull towards your position by calling early in the morning. Settle yourself at a strategic position. Avoid calling too much before sunrise, this marginally decreases the possibilities of a satisfying response. You can opt to spray a scent of a cow in estrus state around the area for maximum results. The bull will eventually notice the decoy and come towards it and as soon as you get a clear aim, release the arrow.

Pursuit Channel’s “Bow Hunting Addiction” TV series are also available in their YouTube channel where you can watch YouTube hunting videos about elks. There are more Pursuit Channel shows that give you expert advice and tips on how to hunt elks.

Make sure that you have a know on the herd’s activity patterns and the area’s thermal changes. When the direction of the wind alters, consider changing your current position too. Thorough observation on the mentioned factors may help you a lot on your endeavor.

Situation Numero Tres: All the cows in the area have been knocked up and bred already but you are extremely sure there are a number of them that are still in estrus, attracting bulls in search for a rut ender routine is one of the best elk hunting tips that you can get from the pros.


youtube hunting videos
Image (c) Bow Hunting Magazine

Decoy Setup: Set up a cow decoy some 25 to 30 yards away from the area where you sight a bull continuously getting rejected. Cow call at this distance for a while and sit tight for it will only take a jiffy to get a bull stomping your way. When hunting elks; position yourself where the bull won’t notice you but would only walk past you as it approaches the decoy. Once you get the chance, aim straight and hit that bull with your best shot. Don’t forget to watch the Pursuit Channel shows where you’ll learn about trap hunting animals and hunting decoys and tactics.

With careful assessment of each situation, patience, perfect timing and this easy to follow but reliable hunting guide, you won’t miss a chance at a beautiful bull.

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